The Colli Ripani Club

The "Club dei Colli Ripani – Enoteca e Wine Bar", opened in the heart of Ripatransone (AP, Italy), represents the culmination of a decade of rebranding and repositioning of Cantina dei Colli Ripani, curated by Andrea Castelletti Studio. This space is the tangible sign of Cantina's commitment and vision in enhancing the territory, creating, and developing value.
Designed to promote the territory and the brand values, the Club welcomes anyone who wants to taste, discover, or rediscover the wines and the area. It is not an exclusive club, but rather a place to live and share.
The architectural project, realized by Moreno Farina Studio, blends contemporary style with references to traditional architecture. The venue features a mix of ancient bricks and modern gray granite floors, with a brick counter inspired by the "gelosie" railings of Italian country houses.
The Club also features a permanent corner showcasing works from exhibitions of the adjacent art gallery, FIUTO Art Space, curated by Alex Urso.
Client: Cantina dei Colli Ripani Soc. Coop.
Architectural Project: Moreno Farina Studio
Creative Direction, Setup Design and Naming: Andrea Castelletti Studio
Graphic Design: AboutYou – Comunichiamo
Photo: Marco Biancucci

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